So, anyways, in my novel, a character dies. And it got me thinking... What do I want my last moment to be? Because we will all have one. At one point or another, you will take your last breath and be gone.
But if you got to choose, what would be your perfect last moment?
And I think that sometimes death is glorified, especially in TV or in video games, when really, it is just the moment that a living being stops breathing, whether they are killed, whether they kill themselves, whether they die of disease or old age.
The dictionary defines death as: noun
So that's it. That is death defined.
Are you scared of death? I am not sure if I am.
Most people are more scared to talk about death, than actually of death itself. When you break it down, its not that scary, but the glorification of it, makes it seem so.
That's all for today. I know it was not a very long or uplifting post, but.... It seemed right for today, a rainy day.