Thursday, December 25, 2014

MidWinter Dreams (WP)

Merry Holidays to everyone today!!! I send joy to all of you who take a peek at my blog-- it means so much, darlings!
As my post title may have shown you, I am in a MidWinter Dream. I am dreaming of many things, good and bad. And of course, I am going to share these dreams with you. These dreams, of course, are more of reality and the way I see it, which as I learned from a wise book, is just a dream in a way.
The MidWinter Dream List:
-- What a wonderful joy it is to know what your dream career is! I want to direct and create cinemas, as well as music videos. When I read something, or hear a song, I think of how I would do the movie or music video. I may even make one, we'll see. If I do end up making one it will be on here, of course. I have started to keep a Directing Ideas journal with me at ALL times, so when I get inspiration, I will just jot it down.

-- Both fantastic and scary: I am a main part in a production of Twelfth Night. The lines to  memorize! But I have faith, and I will work hard to memorize them. I just hope I am able to. (Goodness, the complication of lines: Be that thou know'st thou art and then thou art as great as that thou fear'st.)

--The future. I have thought of that a lot over the past few days, and its amazing how much older I will be in just a few years. And yes, I know, everyone else will be older too, but it is nearly indescribable, this feeling of growing up and watching childhood shrink as you age. I know I'm not old-old yet, but one day I will be.

-- I have decided, that green is the most holiday friendly color. You can use it at nearly any holiday. Christmas, Halloween, Easter, St. Patrick's Day..... It is the only color that can do this! Therefore, Green Is The Most Holiday Friendly Color

-- Sometimes things that are supposed to be the happiest just break your heart.

Alright, loves. I will leave it here for right now. I hope you are feeling as wonderful as you can-- I send my heart out to all of you today.


Sunday, December 7, 2014

Nervous? Yeah, Me Too! (TOLP)

I am sure everyone has had something in their life that made them nervous-- that nervous where your hands sweat, stomach drops and your heart races. 
For me, there have been some major moments like that-- Just in today and yesterday!
Yesterday I had a huge placement test, and I was really nervous. It had 5 sections and it took nearly the whole day. It was terrifying.
But when I was actually there, I picked up some good ideas about how to keep myself calm.
Today, I have a big drum recital in front of a bunch of people I don't know, as well as some who I do. All by myself, drum solo. Scary!!! I will comment on the post how it went for those who are curious :) .
Back to the tips!!!

Amaia's Tips for Being Calm
1. Don't think about anything else. Let your mind purely think about what you are doing in that moment-- if it be answering a question on a test, or passing a soccer ball, just think about that. Otherwise, your mind will be distracted and it can be hard to concentrate on the task.
2. Breathe. Everyone says this, but taking a few deep breaths can calm the butterflies in your belly.
3. Before doing the thing you are nervous about, schedule something really fun to do afterwards. Then, not only do you have something to look forward to, but you can be relieved and enjoy ice cream(or something like that!) 
4. Do not compare yourselves to others. If you are taking a test, and the person to your left finishes before you, absolutely do not speed up to finish faster too. If you are going at a good pace for you, and the person next to you was going at a good pace for them, then that's fine. Neither of you should try to be as fast as the other. If you are playing soccer, and there is just this one player who is so good, and doing all these cool passes and tricks that you can't do, don't feel down about it. Play as well as you can and don't focus on them.

All of these things probably don't seem super easy-- And I don't blame you, because they are easier said than done. But even doing one of these will really help to soothe your nerves.

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

NaNoWrimo and Death (TOLP)

Hi everyone! I am so sorry I haven't posted in so long. Life has been crazy what with NaNoWriMo (I currently have 30363 words out of my word goal of 32123) and homework and a ton of other stuff, but I will be posting regularly from now on!!!!
So, anyways, in my novel, a character dies. And it got me thinking... What do I want my last moment to be? Because we will all have one. At one point or another, you will take your last breath and be gone.
But if you got to choose, what would be your perfect last moment?
And I think that sometimes death is glorified, especially in TV or in video games, when really, it is just the moment that a living being stops breathing, whether they are killed, whether they kill themselves, whether they die of disease or old age.
The dictionary defines death as: noun
  1. the action or fact of dying or being killed; the end of the life of a person or organism.
    "I don't believe in life after death"

    synonyms:demisedyingendpassing, loss of life;
    the state of being dead.
    "even in death, she was beautiful"
    the permanent ending of vital processes in a cell or tissue.

So that's it. That is death defined.
Are you scared of death? I am not sure if I am.
Most people are more scared to talk about death, than actually of death itself. When you break it down, its not that scary, but the glorification of it, makes it seem so.

That's all for today. I know it was not a very long or uplifting post, but.... It seemed right for today, a rainy day.


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Hello, Hello, Hello

Hello everyone.
I hope so far, you have had a good week.
Today, I had the privilege to visit a farm, which grows all sorts of different rock and alpine plants.
The man who owns, and started it was incredibly nice, and even gave us two plants (Edelweiss, and Western wild ginger) for free!
However, what really stuck out to me was this:
I asked him what inspired him to start this farm and his eyes lit up as he described how much he and his wife enjoyed gardening. You could see he was doing what he loved.
And it started to get me thinking-- we all have something that we love like that. We like it to the point of obsession and there is nothing else we would rather do.
And we can have more than one thing like that.
But are you in touch with that?
I don't know if I am.
I think I want to be.

   Another thing I was thinking about is this:
   When you think you know something is right, is it because it is right, or is it because you believe it is right? And how do you tell the difference? Can you?
   I don't know. We like to think that we do the right thing when we can, but are we doing the right thing? And is there a difference between what we believe is the truth and the truth?

I most certainly don't know the answer.

Have a lovely night!


Sunday, November 2, 2014

National Novel Writing Month

This is a Writing Post... From now on, in the post title I will have one of the following:
WP : This stands for Writing Post
FRP: Food Review Post
TOLP: Thoughts or loving post

Anyway, NANOWRIMO! Its National Novel Writing Month, and I, for one, am excited! So what is this NaNoWriMo? It is a month where you set a word goal and try a write a novel with that amount of words... In just a month. For the adults, the goal is 50,000. The youth can set their own.
     Last year, I got to nearly 25,000 words, so this year my goal is 30,000. That would be just 1,000 words a day!
     This is no easy feat! Its fun, but it is definitely hard. If you want to sign up, here is the adult link:
And the youth link:

Unfortunately, my novel is a surprise, but I will tell you what is about when the month is up.
Right now, I have 3,000 words. I am a bit ahead of the game, word goal wise.

Its a Sunday. I am tired.
More posts later!!!
Thanks for reading